Yesterday was our first day of "homeschooling."

Of course, we made a big fuss, because having a fuss made of them is what 3 year olds do best. I took pictures, put up a marker board, she had a desk, the works... We talked over the weekend about how Monday was going to be the First Day of School, and Monday morning found her wide awake bright and early and whispering on her pillow "first day of school... first day of school..."
She was very, very excited.
All in all, the entire curriculum took about 50 min. Great first day!
All I'm looking for right now is a chance for her to experience a few hours a week that are structured. We have to sit down. We have to listen to instructions. We have to do step 2 AFTER step 1.
Learning? the fact that it's "school"? is actually the carrot at this point.